Icube UTM Student Pitch Award was held on September 18th 11am in the ground hall of University of Toronto, Missisauga. I accompanied as an intern that day and actually it was my first time joining a pitch competition!
I was wondering whether it was a presentation or something else, however, the concept was a little bit different. You probably already know, but just in case, I’ll explain a little bit about that.The word, pitch, was born in the Silicon Valley in the United States and it means a brief presentation by engineers who are aiming to gain some funding at their startup. They can obtain a fund if they succeed in getting investors hooked.
In the large ground hall at the campus that many students go in and out all at once,
there was a stage in the middle for candidates and seats for listeners.
It was totally a rare experience for me observing the pitch. I never had an opportunity being in the place such as sharing an idea for solving a wide variety of social problems by using technology, and it was totally like a new world for me!
All the ideas they were talking about are something that doesn’t exist the current world yet. The contents ware various and I got excited by all of them because I could see their ideal world through the pitch and it must be helpful for people.
The most impressive thing for me was candidates who decided to share their business.