Friday, June 14, 2024



©Toshihide Ikoma 2022

The Sea of Okinawa

THE SEA! the sea! the open sea!

The blue, the fresh, the ever free!

Without a mark, without a bound,

It runneth the earth’s wide regions round;

It plays with the clouds; it mocks the skies;

Or like a cradled creature lies.

- Bryan W. Procter 


©Toshihide Ikoma 2022

The sky is blue. The blue sea stretches out beyond the horizon. The boat, shining in the hot sunlight, moves forward slowly. The wind blows along with the boat, carrying the smell of salt. An island overgrown with trees comes into view in the distance.

It seems like it will take a while. I returned to the boat, drank some juice I bought at the supermarket, and watched a program called "Coral Paradise" that I had downloaded from Netflix beforehand. 

©Toshihide Ikoma 2022

Aka Island

After about 30 minutes, the boat announced that we would arrive soon. I went outside the boat. Then, the sea changed from a deep blue to a beautiful cobalt blue. Looking carefully outside the boat, I saw wild sea turtles swimming there.

©Toshihide Ikoma 2022

©Toshihide Ikoma 2022

As I looked out at the sea from the pier, a ship came toward me. Its white hull stood out against the cobalt-blue sea and could be seen from afar. The sea was a variety of colours, from dark blue to light blue to pale blue, and it looked as if the white ship was creating a marbled pattern on the sea.

I walked through the island to the beach. The sun was still full of energy, shooting arrows of sunlight at the living things on Earth. Just as I was getting exhausted from the heat, I sensed the presence of a large animal. It turned out to be a Kerama deer, an endemic species that lives on the Kerama Islands.

©Toshihide Ikoma 2022

The endlessly blue and beautiful sea. Why don't you visit the sea of Okinawa this summer?

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Experience Japan: Mississauga's Japan Festival 2024

Hello everyone!

In this post, I'm going to share an exciting event in Mississauga (a city approximately one hour from Toronto): the Japan Festival! Mark your calendars for August 17th (Sat.) -18th (Sun.)  and head over to Mississauga Celebration Square for an unforgettable experience. 

A digital board displaying 'Japan Festival' at Mississauga Celebration Square

A vendor cooking and selling Takoyaki at Japan Festival in Mississauga

Last year, I attended the festival and it was an absolutely fantastic experience! The square was full of vendors offering Japanese foods, unique goods, and so much more! Some of the foods available at the event can be quite difficult to track down even in the GTA, so whether you're homesick for Japanese foods or a Japanese cuisine connoisseur, step on down and you very well may find the gem you've been searching for!  
But the festival is not just about vendors! You can witness amazing performances, including traditional dance, Taiko drumming, and martial arts demonstrations. I can't recommend the Taiko drumming enough--you can see the passion of these drummers while feeling each thump of the drum in you chest! These performances provide a wonderful glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Japan. 

Japanese traditional dance performers at the Japan Festival in Mississauga

Mississauga has done an incredible job designing a city square for gathering and celebrating. Celebration Square features a stage, sound system, large LCD screens, and plenty of space to sit and enjoy the event. What's more, if the Japan Festival isn't to your taste, Celebration Square hosts many other events throughout the spring and summer (all of which are free to enter). How about a free movie night on the big screen outdoors? Well, Celebration Square has you covered, featuring free movie nights every Thursdays starting early July.

These Mississauga events provide great opportunities to explore different cultures, meet new people, and enjoy a fun day out with family and friends. Be sure to check it out! Mississauga events calendar

Thank you for reading my blogpost and have a wonderful day!


Monday, June 10, 2024

Business Idea: I want to make your brand popular!


Hello everyone!

Allow me to present a business plan I'm considering for the future: branding small—to medium-sized companies. I'm particularly interested in pursuing this venture after graduation from college, and I believe it holds significant potential for growth and success.

I used to work for a large company, but I didn't find it interesting because the job roles in a large company were so finely divided. Therefore, I would like to do branding once at a small to medium-sized company through the entire process (interviews, problem finding, mood board creation, sketching, brand creation or re-branding) (I would like to work in Canada for about three years if possible).


Below is the company I have considered through my branding project.


Name: Café du Ciel

Business: World Themed Entertainment Cafe

Target: Men and women in their 16-30's

Persona 1:  Jan 38

She is a single mother with two small children. She wants to give her children a world travel experience but does not have the time or money. She wants to have a casual world travel experience during the weekend.

Persona 2: Tom  22

 He recently graduated from college and is a new employee in the company. He used to backpack around the world as a student and has fond memories of his life back then. He would like to travel abroad again but is too busy with work to take long holidays. He would like to travel the world casually during his holidays.

Persona 3: Eva 16

She has an older sister who is a college student. During her college vacations, she travels abroad with her friends. She is envious of her sister. She would like to go overseas with her friends, but her parents will not allow her to because she is in high school (and has no money). She wants to experience world travel with her friends without the help of her parents.


Web Site:


That is all, thank you for reading to the end.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Montreal in the Summer - A Treasure Trove of Cultural Events

                                  Place des Arts ©Tourism Montreal

 3 Montreal Music Festivals to Visit 

This Summer

Summer! Summer! Summer!

Hello everyone. Canadian Summer is here!


Summer in Montreal has so many music events.

I will introduce you to some of the best ones to visit.

Reference: Tourism Montreal


Place des Arts, which means Place of Arts in French, has many music events. You may be worried about the cost of attending these events, but most shows are free!


©Le canal auditif

1.Francos de Montréal (June 14th to 22nd)

This French music festival is held at Place des Arts and its surrounding area.

Various genres of music are presented, and many shows are free to watch.


©Me Quiero Ir

2. La Fête Nationale du Québec (June 23rd and 24th)

This is an event celebrating the province of Quebec. Guests can enjoy live music, BBQ, parades, and more.


©Tourism Montreal

3. Festival International de Jazz de Montréal (June 27th to July)

This is a world-famous jazz festival with about 1,000 concerts.

Summer in Montreal is full of free events, so if you're visiting, it's definitely the best time to do so!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Business Idea: Crochet Subscription Box!

Today, I would like to share about my business idea. If you read my introduction blog, you might remember that I like to crochet:) (if you would like to read it, you can find it here: New Intern: An Introduction). My idea is a monthly subscription box that delivers everything you need to create beautiful crochet items inspired by different countries, along with a tiny booklet about the country of the month! While you enjoy various crochet patterns, such as Amigurumi, Clothing, house decor, and more, you can also learn about countries that the box features! This idea combines my interests: crochet and reading! 

For example, the first month's country is Canada! For the patterns, we provide a maple leaf coaster, Beaver amigurumi, and a Canada-inspired toque. We provide everything the subscribers need to create these products (yarn, hooks, stitch-markers, and yarn needles)! In addition, we include a booklet highlighting facts and tales of Canada's unique culture. This particular issue features the power of Canada's National Sport (no, not hockey, surprisingly): lacrosse! Lacrosse is particularly interesting in that it was established by Indigenous Peoples, yet still serves as a source of entertainment and fulfillment for many Canadians today! In the spring and summer months, it is a commonality to see minor lacrosse games in recreation centres across the country. 

The second month features Japanese-inspired patterns! The patterns would include an Amigurumi Fox, a Kimono-inspired Cardigan, and a Cherry blossom poach. The booklet explains the cultural significance behind the fox amigurumi and a chronology and explainer on the Kimono, providing customers with a basis for the importance of the garment from its development and early use, to its sustained presence in Japanese society.

Subscribers can expect a hands-on cultural exploration, skill development, and educational experience from the booklets! Beyond that, these are products that customers can wear and use--in this sense, the products encourage further cultural sharing with friends, family, and peers! I believe this is a wonderful way to appreciate our unique cultures and learn about and explore the world from the comfort of one's residence. Given Canada's position as a multicultural society, this service encourages understanding, co-existence, and connection, highlighting the higher principles of Canadian society. 

I hope you like my business idea and let me know if you have any suggestions or comments. Have a wonderful day:)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Must-Visit Japanese plant-based cafe in Toronto!

 Did you know there is a Japanese plant-based cafe in Toronto?

Whether you adhere to a plant-based diet and feel left-out from the joys of Japanese cuisine or you're seeking adventure for dinner, Tsuchi Cafe has got you covered! Tsuchi Cafe features a cozy minimalist vibe with a touch of Japanese aesthetics. On the walls, you will find garments, take-home food products, and artisanal Japanese products, should you wish to take home a more permanent product! It is located on College Street West, in Little Italy. From the moment you step inside the cafe, you are greeted with a warm welcome and a unique Eastern vibe. 

Cozy interior of Tsuchi cafe with Japanese aesthetics

Tsuchi Cafe specializes in traditional Japanese cuisine made plant-based. Customers quickly note the high quality fresh ingredients that comprise appetizers, entrees, and desserts. Whether you're plant-based or not, I can assure you that you will enjoy their exquisite meals, drinks and sweets!

Tsuchi cafe's menu featuring a variety of plant-based dishes

When you walk in the door, I urge you to first try one of their barista-created drinks. My favorite is Hojicha Latte paired with a Matcha Tiramisu. If you're a tea lover, their Hojicha Latte is one of the must-try drinks! Hojicha is a roasted green tea, which gives it earthy, vegetal flavour profile and with a hint of sweetness. If coffee is more your thing -- do not fret, Tsuchi features coffees from world-renowned roasters, including the GTAs very own, Hatch Coffee!

After indulging in your beverage of choice, explore their varied entrée menu. This menu features popular mainstays, such as Kare Pan, a west-meets-east Morning Sando, and the 12-Spice Curry, while rotating in seasonal dishes. On my last visit, I tried some of the seasonal menu, including: the Tsuchi Plate, Chili Hiyashi Chuka, and Onigiri Set (as you will find pictured below)! As you can probably tell by now, this cafe is definitely one of my favorite cafes in Toronto!

Tsuchi plate and their seasonal dish; chili hiyashi chuka

Next time you're in Toronto, put Tsuchi cafe on your list! You will not regret the adventure! Thank you for checking out my recommendation.

Check their website here↓

Tsuchi cafe| Home page (

Instagram: Tsuchi cafe| Instaram (

Location: 688 College St West, Toronto, Ontario M6G 1C1

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

New Intern: An Introduction

 Hello everyone!

I'm Rise, and I'm thrilled to introduce myself as a new intern at Tenatch!

I'm currently enrolled in a co-op program at ILAC college in Toronto, learning sales and marketing. I moved to Canada over a year ago from Saitama, Japan. I came here after graduating from Otsuma University based in Tokyo, where I majored English literature. My main academic interests lie in the intersection between mass media and its influence on viewers and consumers. I capped off my university career with a thesis presentation based on the timeless classic, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald wherein I explored the manifold themes of social class, structural sexual inequality, and the erosion of what is known as "The American Dream". Today, I am still passionate about classic literature - I am currently reading Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. I'd love to know what you're reading!

While enrolled at Otsuma, I also worked part-time as a marketing assistant at an IT company. This experience ignited my passion for marketing and led me to pursue further studies in sales and marketing! While it may seem unrelated, I was struck by how my passions in classic literature helped me better understand and communicate with customers. Currently I'm located in Guelph, Ontario. I'm enjoying the beautiful architecture and vibrant community. 

In my free time, I like to watch movies, explore nature, and crochet. I started crochet in January this year and have been loving it ever since. I even created an Instagram account to post my work and hope to turn this into a small business someday! This experience gave me a practical understanding of the challenges small business owners face in the first phrase, which aligns perfectly with Tenatch's mission.

I'm excited and grateful for this opportunity. I look forward to working and learning more about marketing and many more!

Thank you so much for reading my introduction! I hope you have a wonderful day :)

Nice to meet you!

Hello, I am Toshihide Ikoma from Aichi, Japan.

I am studying Graphic and Web Design at John Abbott College in Montreal. I am thrilled to be able to experience an internship at Tenatch.

I studied International Relations at university and was interested in branding countries through cultural diplomacy, but the career path in cultural diplomacy was narrow and difficult to follow. When I was a student, I studied abroad in the UK, backpacked to many different countries, and realized that I could live anywhere with the internet. My first-hand experience of the awesomeness of the internet led me to work for an IT company in Tokyo.

After starting work, I was assigned to the new development sales department, where I constantly made phone calls, which was not what I expected from an IT job, and I wanted to quit. However, I realized that all I could do was communicate, and I worked there for five and a half years without quitting. ( I also got to experience various jobs, including management.) But it wasn't what I wanted to do, so I decided to re-enter school.


I live in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellvue, a charming place with lots of greenery, a large lake, and a quiet resort-like atmosphere. It takes an hour to get downtown by bus or train, which is inconvenient, but the buses run 24 hours daily, so it is a surprisingly convenient place to live.

My favourite thing is to listen to music like Jazz, Bossanova, muji BGM, Classic, Putumayo world songs, etc., and design while drinking coffee and eating chocolate. I also like events. I help out at the bazaar at the Japanese Cultural Centre, and I'm planning to work part-time at a Japanese food event called YATAI MTL in the future. Recently, I bought a switch and have been playing games at home to prepare for the long summer holidays and long winter.


That's all, thank you for reading to the end.

My portfolio: (Now Creating)

